Newsletter No. 6 – July 2023 | 僑青社會訊 –第六期

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僑青社會訊 –第六期
編輯: 楊廣釗

在接下來的幾個月裡多穿保暖的衣服。僑青社 將於 2023 年 9 月 23 日舉辦我們的第 84 屆慶

澳中關係在改善中 –
很高興看到澳洲政府與中國的關係正在改善中, 這是所有旅居澳大利亞的華人所期待的。
亞洲是我們的鄰居,我們需要建立友好和可行的關係。 作為澳大利亞華人,我們需要做很多工作來幫助澳大利亞人了解我們的鄰居。為此,向澳洲社會宣傳中華國粹,協助政府推動多元文化活動,不失為一個好辦法, 僑青社一直在落實,今後也會朝著這個方向更加努力。

老會員重聚會 –
為緬懷舊日情誼,我組織了老會員團聚日,於15/5/2023 在悉尼皇冠酒樓舉行團聚午宴。
很高興看到老會員踴躍參與,包括居於外州和住在偏遠小鎮的成員前來參加,他們是葉貫中和成玉珍(Michael Yip 和 Veronica Shing), 兩位100多歲的會員也參加此次聚會,他們是Hugh Poon和Mrs. Kwong。 每個人都非常高興此次團聚,並提議每年舉辦一次。 有人 提議在2024年 9 月下旬舉行,乘坐火車前往Leura、藍山觀看花園節,並在悉尼享用晚餐,這是很好的建議,我們會盡早通知我們的會員,以便他們計劃明年聚會之旅。

在這次聚會上,還舉行了一場對於僑青社來說具有非凡意義的儀式。 事原,中國駐悉尼總領館為紀念僑青社前主席鄭家樂先生,特製了由徽章和紀念文章組成的獎牌架,以表彰他和僑青社早期那代成員,包括創社主席黃家權,在1937-1945年間為中國抗戰事業所做出的貢獻。
鄭家樂先生家屬在此次聚會中,將獎牌架捐贈給僑青社,陳列在會所內,以便所有團員能够進一步了解澳洲僑青社早期光輝的歷史和先輩們的奮鬥歷程,希望僑青社團員不忘初心,堅守祖輩締造的熱愛祖國的信念。 .

華僑報效祖國 –
很高興看到我們有會員為澳中交流做出貢獻, 他們將他們的專業知識帶回了家鄉 。
李永申Vincent Lee 是水果和蔬菜儲存技術方面的專家。 他儲存蘋果和梨的技術是世界一流的。 聯合國在 1980 年代給予 永申一筆贈款, 以表彰他在科學方面的成就,並且要求他將他的專業知識獻給他的原籍國 ,永申受了挑戰。 當時的中國缺乏知識和設備, 大量的水果和蔬菜在到達客戶手中之前就已經腐爛了。Vincent 到廣東省東莞市建立了一個龐大的倉儲工廠,製造冷庫設備, 他將自己的專業知識帶回他的原籍國。

前副主席葉貫中先生 Michael Yip 將他的建築專業知識帶到他的家鄉東莞,為當地的基建做出了貢獻。

擬建新會所現況 –
CYL 希望為我們的社區提供更好和更多的服務。 我們曾經非常努力地與政府談判,希望租用土地來建造我們的新會所。 一個位于Tempe的土地對我們來說是一個完美的位置。 然而,政府在最後一刻改變了他們的政策。 我們的夢想沒有實現。 沒有大片土地,很難籌集到足夠的資金來開展我們的計劃。

舞獅和龍舟活動 –

我們的龍舟隊從Covid19中恢復過來。 許多新成員加入我們的團隊。並且,僑青社龍舟隊中有11名成員被選代表新南威爾士州隊,6名成員代表澳大利亞國家隊。
僑青龍舟隊的六位成員將代表澳洲國家隊參加2023年8月7日至13日在泰國芭堤雅舉辦的第十六屆國際龍舟聯合會世界龍舟錦標賽。 這是澳大利亞龍舟聯合會(Australia Dragon Boat Federation)對他們的技術和體能的認可,更是對僑青社龍舟隊的最大贊賞和肯定。

TAFE學院將開辦餐飲業華人英文班 –

僑青社曾義務開辦僑青社英文班,並且得到了政府資助專業老師來授課。 後來由於種種原因停辦了。 但僑青社一直同有關部門聯絡,為僑胞們爭取學習機會。

現在,在Ethnic Community Council的幫助下,終於得到悉尼 TAFE 學院的支持,計劃下學期開辦英語班(七月十七至十二月一日)。


正在開展的活動 –
– 週二上午10時至12時:太極組活動
– 週三上午10時至下午3時:粵劇卡拉OK
– 舞獅組週六下午進行訓練:下午2時至4時30分 – 兒童組
下午4時30分至7時 – 高級組
週五下午1時至3時- 腰鼓
– 龍舟隊:目前訓練時間為週六上午9時30分至11時30分
– 週一:下午1時至3時- 書法課, 下午3時至5時:繪畫課
– 週四:上午10時至下午6時 – 粤剧初學班
– 週二:下午2時10分至3時10分 – 瑜伽A 班 週六:上午10時至11時 – 瑜伽B班
– 週六:中午12時至下午2時 – 武術課


即將開展的活動 –
1.中華遊將於9月5日開始為期16天的行程,遊覧貴州奇特景色,包括”中國天眼” ,和廣東省
深度美食團。 我們希望在不久的將來安排更多的旅行,並儘早通知我們的會員,以便會員可以參加我們的旅行。

2. 僑青社84週年團慶暨中秋節聯歡午宴,將於九月二十三日在St George League Club
Princess Highway Chinese Restaurant (龍景軒)舉行。
費用:會員$80,非會員$90。 請盡快預訂。
午餐費請支付到CYL Special Events賬戶。
帳戶詳細信息:BSB:012-071, 賬號:2172-81843
當天活動表演: 醒獅、武術、民族舞、旗袍秀,腰鼓,太極, 歌曲和抽獎
3. 很多會員向我們表達了對家居園藝的興趣,他們渇望得到如何在自家菜園種薑、蓮花、芒果等
的知識。 為满足他們的要求,僑青社邀請了2AC電台的陳女士(她從事園藝講座已有五年


委員會名單 :
主 席: 郭庭生
副主席: 楊廣釗,陳永輝,梁浩民
財 政: 董雯雯
秘 書: 尤冰清
委 員: 簡淑卿,唐笑麗,邱駿平,黃陳憬紅,Uy Keat Lao,鈡昀


CYL Newsletter – No.6 Editor: Eddy Young

President Message:
Hi All,
I trust that all of you have a most enjoyable Dragon boat festival and consume plenty of rice
dumplings. Now that we are well into the winter season in Australia and please make sure that
you wear a lot warm clothing in the coming months. CYL is celebration our 84th anniversary
celebration on 23 September 2023 and please come and join us for a most enjoyable
afternoon of good food and entertainment.

Editor Message :
Australia-China relationship on the mend –

It is great to see that the relationship between the Australian government and China is improving, which is what all Chinese living in Australia are looking forward to.
Asia is our neighbor and we need to have friendly and viable relationships. As Australian-Chinese, we need to do a lot to help Australians understand our neighbours. To this end, it is a good way to promote the quintessence of China to the Australian society and assist the government in promoting multicultural activities. CYL has been implementing it and will work harder in this direction in the future.

Veteran Members Reunion –

Time flies, I have been a member of the CYL for 52 years. Looking back, I spent a good time with a group of CYL loyal members and made contributions to society. Now everyone has changed from a young boy to a gray-haired. Most of these old people have retired, dispersed in various directions, and some of them have even passed away, which is really upsetting.
In order to remember the old friendship, I organized a reunion day for old members and held a reunion lunch at the Emperor Restaurant in Sydney on 15/5/2023.
It is great to see the active participation of old members, including those living in out-of-state and remote towns. They are Yip Guanzhong and Shing Yuzhen (Michael Yip and Veronica Shing), Two members over 100 years old also attended this party, they are Hugh Poon and Mrs. Kwong. Everyone was very happy about this reunion and proposed to hold it every year. There was a proposal to take the train to Leura, the Blue Mountains to see the Garden Festival and dinner in Sydney for late September 2024 This is a good proposal and we will let our members know as early as possible so they can plan their party trip next year.

At this gathering, a ceremony was held, which is of extraordinary significance to the Chinese Youth League. It turned out that the Chinese Consulate General in Sydney commemorated Mr. Arthur Gar Lock Chang, the former president of CYL, and specially made a medal frame composed of badges and commemorative articles to commend him and the early generation members of CYL, including the founding president Fred Wong (Wong Jiaquan), in recognition of their contributions made to the cause of China’s Anti-Japan War from 1937 to 1945.

The article mentioned the important patriotic actions of CYL during the China’s Anti-Japan War, and expressed deep respect.

The family members of Mr. Chang donated the medal frame to the Chinese Youth League to be displayed in the clubhouse, so that all members can learn more about the early glorious history of CYL and the struggle of their’ ancestors. Hoping that members will not forget our original aspirations and stick to the belief of loving the motherland created by our ancestors.

Overseas Chinese serve the motherland-

It’s great to see that we have members who contribute to the Australia-China cultural and technological exchange, bring their expertise back home.

Vincent Lee is an expert in fruit and vegetable storage technology. His skills in storing apples and pears are world class. In 1980’s, the United Nations awarded Vincent a grant in recognition of his achievements in science and asked him to dedicate his expertise to his country of origin. Vincent accepted the challenge. China at that time lacked knowledge and equipment, and a lot of fruits and vegetables were rotting before reaching customers. Vincent went to Dongguan City, Guangdong Province to build a huge warehouse factory to manufacture cold storage equipment.
He brought his expertise back to his country of origin.

Former Vice President Mr. Michael Yip brought his construction expertise to his hometown Dongguan, contributing to the local infrastructure.

The current status of the proposed new clubhouse –

CYL wants to serve our community better and more. We negotiated very hard with the government to lease land for our new clubhouse. The land at Tempe was the perfect location for us. However, the government changed their policy at the last minute. Our dreams didn’t come true. Without a large piece of land, it was difficult to raise enough fund to start this project.

Lion Dance and Dragon Boat Activities –

We must congratulate our lion dance team for winning the international championship in the Zoom competition for non-Asian countries.

Our dragon boat team is recovering from Covid19. Many new members joined our team.
Moreover, 11 members of the CYL Dragon Boat Team were selected to represent the New South Wales state team, and 6 members represented the Australian national team.
Six members will represent the Australian national team to participate in the 16th International Dragon Boat Federation World Dragon Boat Championships to be held in Pattaya, Thailand from August 7 to 13, 2023. This is the Australian Dragon Boat Federation’s recognition of their technology and physical fitness, and it is the greatest affirmation and appreciation for the CYL Dragon Boat Team.
These achievements are inseparable from the hard training and unremitting efforts of our players, the dedication and encouragement of our coaches and many supporters.

TAFE College will open English classes for Chinese in the catering industry –

CYL has always been concerned about the fact that Chinese employees in the catering industry are unable to further their studies, especially learning English, due to working hours. This makes most people in this industry have no opportunity to improve themselves, resulting in difficulties in life and unable to integrate into mainstream Australian society.

CYL ,a few years ago, had voluntarily organised English classes, and received government-funded professional teachers to teach. It was later discontinued for various reasons. However, CYL has been striving hard in contact with relevant departments for learning opportunities for overseas Chinese.

Now, with the help of the Ethnic Community Council, finally got the support of Sydney TAFE College, and plans to start English classes in the next semester (July 17th to December 1st).
In addition to the catering industry, other people can also participate in this English study class.

Ongoing Activities

Subgroup Activities:
– Monday and Friday 10am -12:30pm : Table Tennis
– Tuesday 10:00am – 12:00pm: Taichi
– Wedensday 10:00am – 3:00pm: Cantonese Opera Karaoke
– Saturday: Lion Dancing
2:00pm – 4:30pm: Kids
4:30pm – 7:00pm: Senior Group
– Tuesday 12:10pm- 2:10pm: Fashion
– Friday 1:00pm – 3:00pm: Drum Wrist
– 週日中午12時至下午3時:舞蹈組排練
– Saturdays 9:30am – 11:00am for now: Dragon Boat Training
Ongoing Classes:
– Monday: 1:00pm -3:00pm – Calligraphy, 3:00pm – 5:00pm – Painting
– Thursday: 10:00am – 6:00pm – Cantonese Opera Beginners’ Class
– Tuesday: 2:10pm – 3:10pm – Yoga Class (A)
– Saturday: 10:00am – 11:00am – Yoga Class (B)
– Saturday: 12:00pm – 2:00pm – Wushu Class

Upcoming Events:

1. China Tour will start a 16-day itinerary on September 5. We hope to arrange more tours in the near future and will inform our members as early as possible so that more members can join us on our tours.

2. For the CYL 84th Anniversary Celebration and Mid-Autumn Festival, a luncheon will be held September 23rd at St George League Club Princess Highway Chinese Restaurant, $80 for members, $90 for non-members. Please book as soon as possible.

Please pay the lunch fee to the CYL Special Events account. Account details: BSB: 012-071Acc. Number: 2172-81843

– Performances: Lion dance, Wushu, cultural dance, fashion show, wrist drum, Taichi, singing
and Raffle draw

3. Many members have expressed their interest in home gardening to us. They are eager to get knowledge on how to grow ginger, lotus, mango, etc. in their own vegetable gardens.
In order to meet their requirements, CYL invited Ms. Chen from 2AC Radio (she has been engaged in horticultural lectures for more than five years) to give a horticultural lecture in late August. Details will be announced in due course.

Statement of thanks –

The success of CYL is all due to the selfless dedication of all members!

Our special thanks go to the following:

All members of the Executive Committee, they lead and plan the various activity groups of CYL.
The leaders, volunteers and teachers of each activity group, their unremitting efforts and selfless dedication make each activity group operate successfully.

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