Newsletter No.5 – Jan 2022

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僑青社會訊 –第五期

編輯: 楊廣釗 郭錦明







近年來新冠疫情在全球大流行,造成大量人員的傷亡,並誘發了嚴重的經濟危機。澳洲亦不能倖免,大悉尼地區封鎖,邊境關閉,嚴厲的防疫措施等等,帶給我們生活上很大冲擊和精神上很大壓力。希望我們的會員都能保持樂觀心態應對疫情,充满信心過正常生活,人類 定能最终戰勝病毒的。
今年的九月下旬,國際籃聯(FIBA)的 2022 年女子籃球世界杯比赛將在悉尼市舉辦,賽程為期 10天,在奥林匹克公園進行,中國隊很大機會參賽,一如既往,我社亦會協助澳洲籃恊,並全力推動本地華人社會闗注,支持並踴躍參與此盛會。記得上屆(1994)女篮世界杯比赛在悉尼舉辦,我社曾組織啦啦隊為中國和澳洲隊加油,並聯同華人團體恊會向中國隊提供多方面支緩。因中國隊對西餐不合胃口,我們每天送中餐到酒店,中國隊為此專門在本地華文報章上刊登感謝啟事。今次亦不例外,我社邀得到熱心僑领-悉尼皇冠酒樓余金 晃先生,赞助中國隊膳食。預祝中國及澳洲隊能取得好成積,成功奪冠。
在 2021 年的東京夏季奧運會,澳洲和中國(大陸,台灣及香港)取得卓越成绩,對在澳華人極大鼓舞。在此期間,悉尼正值封城,我社主席郭庭生先生在 澳洲國立SBS中文電台評述奧運足球比賽,而副主席楊廣釗先生則評述籃球比賽,同時楊副主席在 2AC澳洲 華人電台連續 16 天就奥運賽事的報導和評論進行專題演講。 兩個節目都受到好評,獲得高度贊揚,此事激發了華人社會對體育活動的熱情,對僑青社的知名度有所提高,效果良好,影響深遠。
即將来臨的 2022 年北京冬季奧運會,是萬眾期待的盛會,開幕儀式會在二月四日舉行,即農曆新年後三天(年初四)。中國曾在 2008 年舉辦過夏季奥運會,開幕和閉幕式都帶給世界奇妙的驚喜,今次冬奥更是加入很多創新科技元素,期望不只在開閉幕儀式會精彩紛呈,在比賽場館的建築和比賽設施各方面,將會顯示中國的國力,驚艷世界。建議各會員萬勿錯過觀賞此次盛會。




  • 週二和週六瑜伽課正常上課
  • 舞蹈組週日正常上課
  • 舞獅組週六下午照常進行訓練
  • 週四上午的粤剧课暫改为视频授课
  • 每星期一提供在線書法視頻學習材料供學生練習


將要參加悉尼市 2022年慶祝新春慶典活動的演出和活動: 2022129日至213日)

  1. 表演和比賽

– 舞獅組將在在下列慶典活動中進行表演:

  1. 在2022年1月29日舉行的悉尼市慶祝新春慶典活動啟動儀式中進行舞獅和點睛儀式
  2. 在2022年1月29日舉行的悉尼市慶祝新春慶典活動啟動儀式中進行 LED 舞獅舞龍表演
  3. 為龍舟賽舉行點睛和水祈福儀式,時間:上午6時30至9點30日,地點:情人港
  4. 將在下列日期在唐人街進行舞獅表演:  2月4日,2月5日,2月6日和2月12日

Friday, 4 February 2022 7:00 PM City of Sydney (Chinatown)
星期五, 二月4号2022晚上7点雪梨唐人街

Saturday, 5 February 2022 8:00 AM City of Sydney
星期六, 二月5号2022早上8点雪梨市

Saturday, 5 February 2022 12:30 PM New Shanghai – Westfield Sydney
星期六, 二月5号2022中午12:30 雪梨Westfield – 新上海

Saturday, 5 February 2022 6:00 PM Old Town
星期六, 二月5号2022傍晚6点大排档

Saturday, 5 February 2022 7:00 PM City of Sydney (Chinatown)
星期六, 二月5号2022晚上7点雪梨唐人街

Saturday, 5 February 2022 8:40 PM Cockle Bay – Darling Harbour
星期六, 二月5号2022晚上8:40情人港 – 科克尔湾

Sunday, 6 February 2022 7:00 PM City of Sydney (Chinatown)
星期日, 二月6号2022晚上7点雪梨唐人街

Friday, 11 February 2022 7:30 PM Holy Basil – Parramatta
星期五, 二月11号2022晚上7点半帕拉马塔 – 圣罗勒

Saturday, 12 February 2022 10:00 AM North Rocks Shopping Centre
星期六, 二月12号2022早上10点北岩石区购物中心

Saturday, 12 February 2022 2:00 PM City of Sydney (Workshop)
星期六, 二月12号2022下午2点雪梨市 (工作坊)

Saturday, 12 February 2022 7:00 PM City of Sydney (Chinatown)
星期六, 二月12号2022晚上7点雪梨唐人街

Saturday, 12 February 2022 8:40 PM Cockle Bay – Darling Harbour
星期六, 二月12号2022晚上8:40情人港 – 科克尔湾

Sunday, 13 February 2022 8:00 PM Burwood Chinatown
星期日, 二月6号2022晚上8点宝活唐人街

Saturday, 19 February 2022 7:30 PM Holy Basil – Canley Heights
星期六, 二月19号2022晚上7点半康利高地 – 圣罗勒

Wednesday, 23 February 2022 3:45 PM Ashfield Library
星期三, 二月23号2022下午3:45艾士非图书馆

– 舞蹈組:中國古典舞《梅花情》將於2月12日,週六,在悉尼市政廳百年紀念堂演出

–  龍舟組:將要參加慶祝農曆新年龍舟賽,時間:2月5日,週六,地點:情人港

  1. 在僑青社會所舉辦的學習班

–   民族舞:2022年2月6日,週日,12時30時至3時

–   武術:202年2月5日,週六,上午10時至12時

–   舞獅:2022年2月12日,週六,下午2時至3時


CYL Newsletter – No.5

Editor:  Eddy Young, Paul Kwok

President Message

First, I like to wish you all a Happy New Year and all the best in the year of the Tiger.

It has been a difficult year for us in 2021 and hopefully 2022 will be a better year for all of us. Even though we were able to host some activates for the members but most of the activities were stopped for most of the year. Most of the members have stayed healthy for the past year and I like to ask you all to take the same precautions in 2022.

Looking forward to seeing you all when the pandemic is behind us!

Editor message:

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this issue was released half a year late, and we would like to express our    sincere apologies to everyone!

In recent years, Covid-19 has become a global pandemic, causing a large number of deaths and triggering a serious economic crisis.  Australia is not immune to this.  The lockdown of the Greater Sydney Area, country border closures, strict preventive measures, etc.,  have brought great impact on our lives and great mental pressure.  We hope that our members can maintain an optimistic attitude to cope with the pandemic, be confident in normal life. We believe humans will eventually be able to defeat the virus.

Many activities of CYL have been suspended for several months during the severe pandemic, such as Tai Chi classes, table tennis, basketball, painting and calligraphy class, folk dance class, as well as the recreation group. Fortunately, the lion dance group, dragon boat group and martial arts group can still barely maintain training, in preparation for the Lunar New Year performances. The Cantonese Opera team switched to online training.

In late September this year, the 2022 FIBA ​​Women’s Basketball World Cup will be held in Sydney. The schedule will last for 10 days and will be held in the Olympic Park. The Chinese team has a great chance to participate. As before, CYL will make every effort to promote the local Chinese community’s attention and active participation in this event.  The last 7th (1994) Women’s Basketball World Cup was also held in Sydney. At that time,  CYL organized a cheerleading team to cheer for the Chinese and Australian teams. Together with other Chinese associations, CYL gave the Chinese team a lot of support, especially in terms of meal arrangements. For this,  the Chinese team published in local Chinese newspapers to express their thanks.  This time is no exception. CYL has invited the enthusiastic overseas Chinese leader – Emperor Garden Restaurant, Mr. Stanley Yee –  to sponsor meals for the Chinese team.    We wish the Chinese team can achieve success and win championship.

In the 2021 Tokyo Summer Olympics, Australia, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong had achieved outstanding results, which is a great encouragement to the Chinese in Australia . During the 2021 Tokyo Summer Olympics, Sydney was under lockdown. Our president, Mr. James Kwok , commented on the Olympic football matches on SBS radio, while our vice-president , Mr. Eddy Young, commented on the Olympic basketball matches.  At the same time,  vice-president Mr.  Young held a special talk on 2AC Australia Chinese Radio for 16 consecutive days, on reports and comments on Olympic events. Both programs were well received.  It is highly praised. This incident has stimulated the enthusiasm of the Chinese community for sports activities, and the popularity of CYL has been improved. The effect is good, and the impact is far-reaching.

The upcoming 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is a much-anticipated event. The opening ceremony will be held on February 4, three days after the Lunar New Year.  China once hosted the Summer Olympics in 2008, and the opening and closing ceremonies were wonderful surprises to the world. This Winter Olympics has added a lot of innovative technology elements, not only in the opening and closing ceremonies, but also in the buildings of the competition and non-competition venues  and the field facilities. Thus, China’s national strength will be displayed. We recommend members not to miss watching this event.

The last thing I want to report is that under the condition that international travel can be resumed after the pandemic, CYL will plan to organize multiple trips back to China, to travel the magnificent landscape of the motherland, to experience Chinese civilization, to inspect modern construction, and especially eager to taste the delicious food of the Pearl River Delta Area. This is at the request of many members.  We will do our best to arrange.

The Year of the Tiger is coming, I wish members good health and all the best.

Statement of Thanks:

The success of CYL is all due to the selfless dedication of all members!

Our special thanks go to the following:

  • All members of the Executive Committee, they lead and plan the various activity groups of CYL.
  • The leaders, volunteers and teachers of each activity group, their unremitting efforts and selfless dedication make each activity group operate successfully.
  • Consultant, Mr. Joe Leung, handles financial accounting for CYL for free.
  • President James Kwok and Vice President Eddy Young, in addition to doing their best on normal duties, they also make much effort to liaise with all social strata, including government departments, business organizations, social leaders, charitable organizations, etc. The goal is to promote CYL, seek possible help and support , which will benefit the future development of CYL.

Activities and Classes:

With the deteriorating situation on the COVID (Omicron variant), some activities and classes have been suspended

Activities on going:

– Tuesday and Saturday Yoga classes are normal.

– Regular dance classes on Sundays.

– Saturday afternoon lion dance  trainings are as usual

– Cantonese Opera classes on Thursday morning have been changed temporarily to Zoom classes

– Calligraphy video learning materials are provided online for students to practice every Monday

Upcoming Activities:

Sydney 2022 Lunar Year Festival Performances and Activities going ahead  (29 January to 13 February 2022):

  1. Performances and Races:

– Lion Dance Group will Perform at:

Schedule on Instagram here

  1. Lions and Eye Dotting Ceremony for the Festival Launch on Saturday 29 January 2022
  2. LED lion and dragon dancing performance on Saturday 29 January 202
  3. Eye Dotting ceremony and Blessing of the Waters ceremony at Dragon Boat Race on Saturday, 5 February 2022 | Time: 6:30am-9:30am | Location: Darling Harbor
  4. Lion dancing program on the following dates at Chinatown: 4th, 5th, 6th & 12th Feb 2022

Friday, 4 February 2022 7:00 PM City of Sydney (Chinatown)
星期五, 二月4号2022晚上7点雪梨唐人街

Saturday, 5 February 2022 8:00 AM City of Sydney
星期六, 二月5号2022早上8点雪梨市

Saturday, 5 February 2022 12:30 PM New Shanghai – Westfield Sydney
星期六, 二月5号2022中午12:30 雪梨Westfield – 新上海

Saturday, 5 February 2022 6:00 PM Old Town
星期六, 二月5号2022傍晚6点大排档

Saturday, 5 February 2022 7:00 PM City of Sydney (Chinatown)
星期六, 二月5号2022晚上7点雪梨唐人街

Saturday, 5 February 2022 8:40 PM Cockle Bay – Darling Harbour
星期六, 二月5号2022晚上8:40情人港 – 科克尔湾

Sunday, 6 February 2022 7:00 PM City of Sydney (Chinatown)
星期日, 二月6号2022晚上7点雪梨唐人街

Friday, 11 February 2022 7:30 PM Holy Basil – Parramatta
星期五, 二月11号2022晚上7点半帕拉马塔 – 圣罗勒

Saturday, 12 February 2022 10:00 AM North Rocks Shopping Centre
星期六, 二月12号2022早上10点北岩石区购物中心

Saturday, 12 February 2022 2:00 PM City of Sydney (Workshop)
星期六, 二月12号2022下午2点雪梨市 (工作坊)

Saturday, 12 February 2022 7:00 PM City of Sydney (Chinatown)
星期六, 二月12号2022晚上7点雪梨唐人街

Saturday, 12 February 2022 8:40 PM Cockle Bay – Darling Harbour
星期六, 二月12号2022晚上8:40情人港 – 科克尔湾

Sunday, 13 February 2022 8:00 PM Burwood Chinatown
星期日, 二月6号2022晚上8点宝活唐人街

Saturday, 19 February 2022 7:30 PM Holy Basil – Canley Heights
星期六, 二月19号2022晚上7点半康利高地 – 圣罗勒

Wednesday, 23 February 2022 3:45 PM Ashfield Library
星期三, 二月23号2022下午3:45艾士非图书馆

– Dance Group: Chinese Classical Dance “Plum Blossom Loving” will be performing on Saturday 12 February at Centennial Hall, Sydney Town Hall.

– Dragon Boat Group:  The Group will participate in the Lunar New Year Dragon Boat Races at Darling Harbour on the Saturday 5th of February.

Workshops at CYL Clubhouse:

      – Cultural Dance: 6 February 2022, Sunday, 12:30pm – 3:00pm

      – Wushu:  5 February 2022, Saturday, 10:00am – 12:00pm

      – Lion Dance: 12 February, Saturday, 2:00pm – 3:00pm

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